A cookie is a small piece of data or message that can be placed on your device(computer, tablet or smartphone, etc.) when you view a website. The vast majority ofwebsites use cookies. The use of cookies helps improve your browsing experience.Cookies are sent from an organisation’s web server to your web browser and is thenstored on your hard drive. Cookies can’t read data off your hard drive or cookie filescreated by other sites, and do not damage your system.
We only use cookies to monitor the performance of our website and to improve userexperience. We use Google Analytics for this purpose. Analysis is performed on apurely anonymous basis. In our configuration, Google Analytics remarketing featuresare neither used nor enabled, and therefore we do not share any data with third parties.Google Analytics uses “cookies”, to help the website analyse how users use thewebsite, applications or services.
The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website, applications orservices (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google onservers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose ofevaluating your use of the website, applications or services compiling reports onwebsite activity for website operators and providing other services relating to websiteactivity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third partieswhere required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information onGoogle’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held byGoogle.
There are several types of cookies:
Essential and technical cookies:
These cookies, created directly by the tool that hosts the website, are essential to theproper functioning of the platform. It is not possible to refuse these cookies if you wantto visit our website.
Analytical cookies:
These cookies collect your preferences regarding the use of the website (e.g. frequencyand duration of visits or number and type of pages viewed) to offer you relevant contentin the future. Analytical cookies are used anonymously and the information generatedcannot be identified individually.
Advertising cookies:
These cookies enable information relevant to your browsing habits and interests whensurfing the Internet to be suggested to you. Deactivating them will not result in theelimination of adverts but they will be less relevant to you.
Sharing cookies:
These cookies come from third-party websites and enable the content of our website tobe shared on social networks. The sharing functions enable you to publish the contentyou have viewed on your profile and to your friends. The videos available on our appsand web pages are hosted on external platforms (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.), which applytheir own privacy policy.
You can choose to accept or refuse to have cookies placed on your device (computer,tablet or smartphone, etc.) via the Cookies management panel or your Internetbrowser’s settings, at any time.
As de-minimis / sub-threshold alternative investment fund manager under registration with theCommission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”) in Luxembourg, in accordance withthe requirements of the CSSF, the AIFM does not have and does not need to have aremuneration guideline or policy.
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Partial or total refusal of statistical and/or technical cookies will limit the availability ofthe website’s content and functionalities. By continuing to view this website without anyparticular setting of your Internet browser, you authorise Shard 64 Management S.à r.l. to place cookies of anykind.